Conditions Générales d'Utilisation de la carte virtuelle à usage unique
Informations importantes que vous devez connaître
Veuillez lire attentivement le présent contrat avant de demander une carte virtuelle ou avant d'activer ou d'utiliser la carte. Ces informations constituent la convention relative à votre carte virtuelle Anytime. En confirmant que vous acceptez les termes du présent contrat, ou en activant et/ou en utilisant votre carte, vous acceptez le présent contrat. Si vous ne comprenez pas un point quelconque, veuillez contacter le service clientèle en utilisant les coordonnées figurant au paragraphe 19 du présent contrat.
Anytime - désigne Anytime SA agissant pour le Compte Anytime, une société enregistrée en Belgique dont le siège social se trouve 326 Avenue Louise, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgique.
Carte- La carte virtuelle Mastercard associée à votre compte, également appelée carte virtuelle.
Carte virtuelle - Lorsqu'elle est utilisée en référence à une carte, cette expression désigne les informations suivantes : PAN, code CVC2 et date d'expiration.
Code d'accès - Le code d'accès que vous utilisez pour vous identifier et qui est utilisé pour autoriser tout paiement à partir du compte.
Compte - désigne le compte électronique appartenant à l’entreprise et créé dans l’objectif d’approvisionner les Cartes.
Contrat - ce contrat en l’état et avec ses modifications.
EEE - L'Espace économique européen qui comprend actuellement tous les pays de l'Union européenne ainsi que l'Islande, la Norvège et le Liechtenstein.
Entreprise - désigne la propriétaire du Compte.
Espace client - Une application mobile ou un portail en ligne qui vous permet d'avoir accès à votre carte.
Information - Toute information relative à l'organisation, et toute information personnelle relative à l'utilisateur de la carte.
Jour ouvrable - Nos jours ouvrables sont du lundi au vendredi, mais n'incluent pas les jours fériés.
Marchand - Entreprise ou société qui accepte le VCN Virtual Mastercard.
Mastercard Acceptance Mark - La marque de Mastercard International Incorporated, indiquant l'acceptation de la carte.
Mastercard - Mastercard International Incorporated dont le siège social est situé au 2000 Purchase Street, Purchase, New York, 10577 USA.
Monnaie de dénomination - Euros, la monnaie de dénomination chargée sur la carte.
Montant total déductible - Le montant total de la transaction, y compris la transaction elle-même ainsi que tous les frais, charges et taxes associés.
Mot de passe - désigne le mot de passe que vous utilisez pour vous identifier.
Nous, notre, nos ou PPS EU - PPS EU, une société enregistrée en Belgique sous le numéro 0712.775.202 et dont l’adresse est boulevard du Souverain 165, boite 9, 1160 Bruxelles, Belgique.
Quasi Cash - désigne les transactions qui comprennent, sans s'y limiter, l'achat de chèques de voyage, de billets de loterie, de jetons de jeux de casino, de mandats, de dépôts et de mandats de virement.
Solde maximal de la carte - Le solde maximal que vous pouvez avoir sur votre carte, comme indiqué au paragraphe 2.
Services Client - Le centre de contact pour traiter les questions concernant votre compte et/ou votre carte. Les coordonnées du Service Client se trouvent au paragraphe 19.
Services de paiement : désigne, selon la définition de la directive européenne 2009/110/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil, le transfert de fonds à partir d'un compte de paiement ouvert auprès du prestataire de services de paiement, la gestion du compte de paiement, y compris l'utilisation d'une carte de paiement ou de tout autre moyen de paiement similaire.
Solde disponible - La valeur des fonds disponibles sur votre carte à utiliser.
Site web -
Titulaire de la carte/Propriétaire de la carte - Une personne ou une organisation qui a reçu la carte et qui est légalement responsable d'une carte, et qui conclut le présent contrat avec nous.
Vous, votre - Le titulaire de la carte/le propriétaire de la carte.
€20,000 |
3.1 Votre carte n'est pas une carte de crédit ou de débit.
3.2 Votre carte a été délivrée par nous conformément à notre licence de Mastercard. La carte est un produit lié aux services de paiement et l'argent qui y est associé est fourni par nous et sera en euros. Nous sommes réglementés par la Banque nationale de Belgique pour l'émission de monnaie électronique et la fourniture de services de paiement. Mastercard est une marque déposée de Mastercard International Incorporated. Vos droits et obligations relatifs à l'utilisation de cette carte sont soumis au présent contrat entre vous et nous ; vous n'avez aucun droit contre Mastercard ou ses filiales respectives. Si vous rencontrez des difficultés dans l'utilisation de la carte, vous devez contacter le service client. La carte reste notre propriété.
3.3 Vous acceptez que nous puissions ajouter de nouvelles devises ou retirer des devises existantes à tout moment sans préavis.
La présente convention est rédigée et disponible en français et en anglais et nous nous engageons à communiquer avec vous en français et en anglais concernant tout aspect de votre carte ou de votre compte.
3.4 Vous acceptez que nous puissions communiquer avec vous par e-mail et/ou SMS et/ou via l’espace client pour vous informer de tout avis ou information concernant votre compte ou votre carte et il est donc important que vous vous assuriez de tenir à jour votre adresse e-mail et votre numéro de téléphone portable en contactant le service clientèle.
4.1 Pour créer une carte, vous devez être un client d’Anytime et avoir une activité dans l'UE.
4.2 Lorsque vous créez une carte, vous devez préciser certaines informations, comme, par exemple, mais sans y être limité la devise de la carte et la valeur des fonds à charger sur la carte (sous réserve du solde maximum de la carte).
4.3 Lorsque la carte est reçue, elle doit être activée à la date indiquée lors de la création de la carte. Vous ne pourrez pas utiliser la carte avant l'activation de votre carte.
5.1 Vous pouvez utiliser la carte pour effectuer des paiements en ligne ou par téléphone aux commerçants.
5.2 Vous ne pouvez effectuer un paiement au moyen de la carte que dans la monnaie de la carte. Si un paiement est effectué dans une devise qui n'est pas la devise chargée sur la carte, le paiement sera converti au taux de conversion de Mastercard au moment où le paiement est traité (des frais s'appliquent, voir le paragraphe 11).
5.3 Nous nous réservons le droit de refuser un paiement effectué dans une devise différente de la devise de dénomination chargée sur la carte, ou si le montant du paiement est supérieur au solde disponible ou si la transaction est illégale ou frauduleuse...
5.4 Avant d'utiliser la carte, vous devez vous assurer que le solde disponible est suffisant pour couvrir votre achat.
5.5 Vous devrez autoriser un paiement afin que nous puissions en vérifier l'authenticité. Nous considérerons un paiement comme authentique si les données de votre carte qui vous sont personnelles sont utilisées.
5.6 Une fois que vous avez autorisé un paiement sur votre carte, nous ne pouvons pas le modifier ou l'annuler. Nous ne pouvons pas annuler les paiements autorisés qui n'ont pas encore été traités.
5.7. Dès l'autorisation d'un paiement, la valeur de ladite transaction effectuée avec le VCN sera soustraite du solde disponible de votre carte et ne sera pas disponible pour d'autres transactions. . Vous ne devez pas utiliser la carte si le montant total de la franchise dépasse le solde disponible de la carte.
5.8 La carte ne peut être utilisée à des fins illégales ou d'une manière interdite par la loi, ni pour des jeux d'argent, des divertissements pour adultes ou des transactions Quasi-Cash.
5.9 La carte nous appartient. Nous pouvons vous demander de ne pas utiliser votre carte et de détruire les détails de la carte. Nous pouvons, à tout moment et sans préavis, suspendre, restreindre ou annuler votre carte ou refuser de vous en délivrer une si :
5.9.1 nous sommes préoccupés par la sécurité de votre compte ou de la carte que nous vous avons délivrée ;
5.9.2 nous soupçonnons que votre compte est utilisé de manière non autorisée ou frauduleuse ; ou
5.9.3 nous devons le faire pour nous conformer à la loi.
5.10 Nous pouvons refuser de traiter un paiement si :
5.10.1 nous sommes préoccupés par la sécurité de votre carte ou nous soupçonnons que votre carte est utilisée de manière non autorisée ou frauduleuse ;
5.10.2 vous n'avez pas un solde disponible suffisant sur votre carte au moment d'une transaction pour couvrir le montant du paiement ;
5.10.3 votre carte/compte est bloqué ou inactif ;
5.10.4 nous avons des motifs raisonnables de croire que vous agissez en violation du présent contrat ;
5.10.5 nous pensons qu'un paiement est potentiellement suspect ou illégal (par exemple, si nous pensons qu'un paiement est effectué de manière frauduleuse) ; ou
5.10.6 nous sommes tenus de nous conformer à une loi ; ou
5.10.7 en raison d'erreurs, de défaillances (technique ou autres) ou de refus des commerçants, des organismes de traitement des paiements ou des systèmes de paiement qui traitent les paiements.
5.11 Si nous refusons de traiter le paiement en vertu du paragraphe 5.10 :
5.11.1 nous ne serons pas responsables des pertes qui pourraient en résulter.
5.11.2 vous pouvez vérifier votre carte pour vous assurer que le solde disponible était suffisant, ou vous pouvez nous demander pourquoi nous n'avons pas exécuté un paiement en contactant le service client. Sauf si la loi nous en empêche, nous vous expliquerons pourquoi et nous vous indiquerons également ce qui peut être fait pour corriger toute erreur dans l'instruction de paiement.
5.12 Votre carte ne peut être utilisée que pour un seul paiement ; elle ne peut être utilisée pour un paiement récurrent.
5.13 Si un commerçant accepte de rembourser un achat effectué à l'aide de la carte, nous effectuerons le remboursement lorsque nous recevrons les fonds du commerçant.
5.14 Le solde disponible de votre carte ne rapporte aucun intérêt.
6.1 Les fonds peuvent être transférés sur votre carte lorsque vous créez votre carte, elle ne peut pas être rechargée.
7.1 Vous pouvez vérifier le solde disponible et l'historique des transactions de la carte via l’espace client et en contactant le service client.
7.2 Nous mettrons vos relevés de compte mensuels à disposition sur l’espace client et nous vous enverrons un courrier électronique pour vous informer de leur disponibilité.
8.1 Vous pouvez annuler votre carte jusqu'à 14 jours calendaire après avoir reçu la carte ("période d'annulation"), en contactant le service client.
8.2 Vous pouvez résilier votre carte à tout moment après la période de résiliation en contactant le service client. Vous ne serez pas facturé pour l'annulation de votre carte mais vous pourrez être facturé pour le remboursement de tout solde disponible.
8.3 La date d'expiration de votre carte est indiquée au recto de la carte. Vous ne pourrez plus utiliser la carte une fois qu'elle aura expiré.
8.4 Tout solde disponible restant sur la carte à l'expiration de celle-ci restera à votre disposition à partir de la date d'expiration. Vous pouvez à tout moment utiliser le solde disponible de la carte en contactant le service client.
8.5 Si nous constatons que des transactions, des frais ou des charges supplémentaires ont été prélevées sur votre compte à la suite du traitement de la demande de retrait des fonds, nous vous enverrons une facture détaillée et nous vous demanderons de nous rembourser immédiatement après avoir reçu la facture. Si vous ne remboursez pas ce montant immédiatement après avoir reçu une facture de notre part, nous nous réservons le droit de prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires, y compris une action en justice, pour récupérer les sommes dues.
9.1 Vous êtes responsable de l'utilisation de la carte qui vous a été délivrée. Vous devez vous assurer que tout autre utilisateur de votre carte comprend et respecte le présent contrat.
9.2 Il est de votre responsabilité de vous assurer que votre carte est active et dispose d'un solde disponible suffisant pour couvrir le montant du paiement avant d'effectuer le paiement.
9.3 Nous pouvons restreindre ou refuser d'autoriser toute utilisation de votre carte si l'utilisation de la carte entraîne ou pourrait entraîner une violation du présent contrat ou si nous avons des motifs raisonnables de soupçonner que vous ou un tiers avez commis ou êtes sur le point de commettre un crime ou un autre abus en rapport avec la carte.
9.4 Le cas échéant, tout refus d'autoriser une transaction par carte vous sera transmis par l'intermédiaire du commerçant concerné.
9.5 Il est de votre responsabilité de conserver votre carte et ses détails en toute sécurité.
9.6 Vous êtes responsable de toute transaction non autorisée issue d’une carte perdue ou volée ou des codes de sécurité d’un compte ou de l’usage abusif de la carte ou du compte et ceci si un utilisateur ne réussit pas à :
9.6.1 garder la Carte et/ou les détails de sécurité de la Carte en sécurité,
9.6.2 nous informer de la perte ou du vol de la carte, ou
9.6.3 conserver en sécurité les identifiants de votre espace client.
9.7 Vous ne devez pas noter les identifiants de votre espace client, sauf si cela est fait d'une manière qui rendrait impossible à toute autre personne de reconnaître ces informations, de les divulguer ou de les mettre à la disposition d'une autre personne.
9.8 Vous êtes responsable de toutes les transactions que vous autorisez.
9.9 Vous serez responsable de toutes les transactions qui ont lieu à la suite d'un acte frauduleux de votre part ou d'un manquement au présent contrat avec intention ou négligence grave.
9.10 Il est de votre responsabilité de nous tenir informés des changements apportés à vos informations, y compris votre adresse électronique et vos numéros de téléphone portable. Si vous ne le faites pas, il se peut que nous ne puissions pas vous contacter au sujet de votre carte, notamment pour vous informer des modifications apportées au présent contrat.
9.11 Vous acceptez de nous indemniser et de nous dégager de toute responsabilité, ainsi que nos distributeurs, partenaires, agents, sponsors et prestataires de services et les sociétés de leur groupe, pour les coûts de toute action en justice entreprise pour faire respecter le présent Contrat et/ou toute violation du présent Contrat ou toute utilisation frauduleuse de la carte, du compte ou du portail de gestion de compte en libre-service, en vous connectant avec les détails que vous avez autorisés.
10.1 En cas de perte, de vol, de fraude ou de tout autre risque d'utilisation non autorisée de la carte, vous devez immédiatement contacter le service client afin que nous puissions bloquer la carte.
10.2 Dans le cas où vous nous informez, conformément au présent contrat, que la carte a été perdue ou volée, vous serez responsable d'un maximum de 50 € de toute perte survenue avant que nous en soyons informés.
10.3 Sous réserve que vous ayez donné une notification conformément au paragraphe 10.1 et que le paragraphe 10.4 ne s'applique pas, vous ne serez pas responsable des pertes qui ont lieu après la date à laquelle vous avez donné cette notification au service client. S'il reste un solde disponible sur votre compte, vous pouvez demander un remboursement.
10.4 Si nous avons des raisons de croire que vous avez agi frauduleusement ou que vous avez fait preuve de négligence grave ou intentionnellement en ne nous notifiant pas la perte ou le vol de votre carte ou que vous n'avez pas assuré la sécurité de votre carte ou des informations de sécurité liées à la carte et à l’espace client ou que vous avez violé le présent contrat, vous serez tenu responsable de toutes les pertes.
11.1 Votre carte est soumise aux frais suivants. Les frais de base détaillés ci-dessous se rapportent à l'ensemble des services de base que nous vous fournissons en relation avec votre compte.
Frais de base |
Tarifs |
Frais de dossier |
0€ |
Frais de service général |
0€ |
Création d'une carte virtuelle |
Utilisation de la carte virtuelle (en EUR) |
Utilisation de la carte virtuelle (Devise autre que l’EUR) |
2.99% |
Appel au service client |
Tarif local |
11.2 Nous déduirons tous les frais dus sur le solde disponible. En l’absence de solde ou de fonds disponible ou si les frais dépassent le solde ou les fonds disponibles, nous vous enverrons une facture à payer dès réception. En l’absence de remboursement immédiat, nous nous réservons le droit de prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires, y compris des mesures légales, pour récupérer tous les montants dus.
12.1 S'il existe une raison de croire qu'une transaction sur le compte n'a pas été autorisée par vous ou par un prestataire de services d'initiation de paiement, ou a été effectuée de manière incorrecte, vous devez nous en informer immédiatement l’espace client, mais dans tous les cas dans les 13 mois suivant la date de la transaction concernée.
12.2 Si vous signalez une transaction non autorisée :
12.2.1 Nous rembourserons, avant la fin du jour ouvrable suivant, le montant non autorisé, y compris les frais, sur le compte, dans la position dans laquelle il aurait été si la transaction non autorisée n'avait pas eu lieu.
12.2.2 Nous ne sommes pas tenus de vous rembourser les transactions non autorisées si nous avons des raisons de croire que vous avez agi frauduleusement, et nous pouvons en informer la police ou toute autre autorité autorisée par la loi. Si nous n'effectuons pas le remboursement avant la fin du jour ouvrable suivant, mais que nous confirmons bien par la suite que la transaction n'était pas autorisée, nous vous rembourserons immédiatement les transactions non autorisées.
12.2.3 Nous n'aurons plus aucune responsabilité envers vous une fois que nous vous aurons remboursé les transactions non autorisées. Si nous découvrons par la suite que vous n'aviez pas droit à un remboursement, nous traiterons le remboursement comme une erreur et nous aurons le droit de réappliquer la transaction, y compris les frais éventuels, sur votre carte.
12.3 Vous serez responsable de toutes les transactions non autorisées effectuées à partir de votre carte si vous avez agi de manière frauduleuse ou délibérée ou avec une négligence grave en omettant de conserver la carte, les informations de sécurité relatives à la carte ou les références de votre espace client en toute sécurité conformément au présent contrat, ou si vous avez omis de nous informer dès que vous avez eu connaissance de la perte ou du vol de la carte, des informations de sécurité relatives à la carte ou des références à l’espace client.
12.4 Vous ne serez pas responsable des transactions non autorisées effectuées avec votre carte après nous avoir dit que la carte ou les informations de sécurité de la carte ont été perdues, volées ou compromises.
12.5 Si vous nous dites qu'une transaction a été effectuée de manière incorrecte sur votre carte, après que nous en ayons été informés, nous vous rembourserons immédiatement les fonds, y compris les frais éventuels pour rétablir votre compte dans la même position que si la transaction incorrecte n'avait pas été effectuée. Toutefois, cela ne s'appliquera pas si :
12.5.1 vous ne nous informez pas du paiement incorrect dans les meilleurs délais et dans les 13 mois suivant la date à laquelle la transaction a été effectuée ;
12.5.2 toute instruction de paiement que vous nous avez donnée était incorrecte. Si tel est le cas, nous ferons des efforts raisonnables pour récupérer votre argent si le paiement a disparu, mais nous pouvons vous facturer des frais pour couvrir nos coûts dans ce cadre. Nous vous indiquerons le montant de ces frais avant d'entamer la procédure de recouvrement. Si nous ne sommes pas en mesure de récupérer les fonds, vous pouvez demander les informations pertinentes dont nous disposons concernant la transaction pour vous aider à récupérer le montant du paiement. Pour des raisons juridiques, nous sommes tenus de fournir ces informations sur réception d'une demande écrite, sauf si la loi nous en empêche ; ou
12.5.3 nous pouvons démontrer que le paiement a effectivement été reçu par l'autre banque (dans ce cas, elle sera responsable).
12.6 Lorsque vous avez accepté qu'une autre personne puisse prélever un paiement sur votre carte (par exemple, si vous avez donné les détails de votre carte à un commerçant dans le but d'effectuer un paiement), vous pouvez nous demander de rembourser un paiement si toutes les conditions suivantes sont remplies :
12.6.1 l'autorisation donnée ne précisait pas le montant exact à payer ;
12.6.2 le montant qui a été débité de votre carte était supérieur à ce que vous auriez pu raisonnablement vous attendre à payer, compte tenu des circonstances, y compris les habitudes de dépenses antérieures ; et
12.6.3 vous faites la demande de remboursement dans les huit semaines suivant la date à laquelle le paiement a été prélevé de votre compte.
12.7 Nous pouvons vous demander de fournir des informations à des fins de vérification.
12.8 Si vous nous demandez d'effectuer un remboursement en vertu du paragraphe 12.6, alors, dans les 10 jours ouvrables suivant la date à laquelle nous recevons votre demande (ou si nous demandons plus d'informations en vertu du paragraphe 12.7, dans les 10 jours ouvrables suivant la date à laquelle nous recevons ces informations), nous ferons soit :
12.8.1 le remboursement du paiement dans son intégralité ; ou
12.8.2 vous indiquer les raisons pour lesquelles nous n'acceptons pas le remboursement.
12.9 Vous n'aurez pas droit à un remboursement au titre du paragraphe 12.6 si :
12.9.1 vous nous avez donné votre accord pour que le paiement soit effectué ; et
12.9.2 le cas échéant, nous (ou la personne ou un commerçant que vous avez accepté de payer) vous avons donné des informations sur le paiement en question au moins quatre semaines avant la date d'échéance du paiement.
12.9.3 si le paiement en question était supérieur à ce que vous aviez prévu de payer est due à une variation du taux de change d'une devise quelconque.
13.1 Nous pouvons modifier ce contrat, y compris les frais et les limites en vous avertissant au moins deux mois avant la prise d’effet par email (à condition que vous nous ayez fourni une adresse électronique à jour) et nous assurerons que la version la plus récente de ce contrat est toujours disponible sur l’espace client.
13.2 Si vous n’acceptez pas les modifications du contrat, vous pouvez à tout moment mettre fin au contrat avec un préavis de deux mois et fermer le compte et les cartes conformément au paragraphe 8.2, sans frais. Cependant, si vous ne résiliez pas le contrat durant cette période, vous serez réputé avoir accepté les modifications et ces dernières s’appliqueront à vous.
13.3 Dans certaines situations, nous pouvons apporter des modifications au présent contrat sans avoir à vous en informer à l'avance. Il s'agit de changements que vous attendez probablement en raison de la nature du produit ou du service, ou qui ne vous gêneront pas parce qu'ils vous sont favorables. Nous ne sommes pas tenus de vous informer personnellement à l'avance lorsque l'une des situations suivantes se présente :
13.3.1 Si le changement est en votre faveur, si nous réduisons vos frais, si nous rendons ce contrat plus équitable pour vous ou si nous introduisons un nouveau service ou une nouvelle caractéristique dont vous pouvez bénéficier.
13.3.2 Nous apportons un changement parce qu'une modification de la loi ou du règlement nous oblige à le faire avant une date donnée, et que nous n'avons pas le temps de vous en informer.
13.4 Si une quelconque partie de ce contrat n’est pas en conformité avec toute exigence réglementaire, alors il ne sera pas tenu compte de cette partie, mais nous la traiterons comme si elle reflétait l’exigence réglementaire pertinente. Si des modifications opérationnelles sont nécessaires pour pouvoir totalement respecter les nouvelles exigences réglementaires, ces changements seront effectués aussi vite que possible. Nous mettrons à jour notre contrat pour refléter les exigences réglementaires quand elles seront de nouveau rédigées.
14.1 Nous pouvons mettre fin au présent contrat à tout moment :
14.1.1 si nous vous donnons un préavis de deux mois et vous remboursons le solde disponible sans frais, ou
14.1.2 avec effet immédiat si vous avez enfreint le présent contrat, ou si nous avons des raisons de croire que vous avez utilisé ou avez l'intention d'utiliser la carte de manière grossièrement négligente ou à des fins frauduleuses ou autres fins illégales, ou si nous ne pouvons plus traiter vos transactions en raison des actions de tiers.
14.2 Nous pouvons suspendre ou résilier votre compte ou vos cartes avec effet immédiat (et jusqu’à ce vous ayez remédié à votre défaillance ou que le contrat soit terminé) si :
14.2.1 nous découvrons que l'une des informations que vous nous avez fournies est incorrecte ; ou
14.2.2 nous pensons que cela est nécessaire pour des raisons de sécurité ; ou
14.2.3 si nous soupçonnons ou pour prévenir une utilisation non autorisée ou frauduleuse de la carte ; ou
14.2.4 si vous avez atteint la limite de votre compte ; ou
14.2.5 toute obligation légale nous obligeant à le faire ; ou
14.2.6 vous avez violé le présent contrat ou nous avons des raisons de croire que vous avez utilisé ou avez l'intention d'utiliser votre compte ou vos cartes ou le mot de passe ou le code d'accès de l’espace client de manière négligente ou à des fins frauduleuses ou autres fins illégales ou si nous ne pouvons pas traiter les transactions en raison des actions de tiers.
14.3 Dans le cas où nous suspendrions ou résilierions votre carte, si nous sommes en mesure de le faire, nous vous en informerons à l'avance, sinon nous vous en informerons immédiatement après (dans la mesure où la loi nous y autorise). Nous pouvons informer toute personne impliquée dans la transaction si une suspension a eu lieu.
14.4 Dans le cas où des frais supplémentaires sont constatés sur votre compte à la suite d'une résiliation par vous ou par nous, alors sous réserve du présent contrat, vous devrez nous rembourser toute somme relative à un retrait ou à des frais et/ou charges valablement appliqués avant ou après la résiliation. Nous vous enverrons une facture et vous demanderons de nous rembourser immédiatement. Si vous ne remboursez pas ce montant immédiatement après avoir reçu une facture de notre part, nous nous réservons le droit de prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires, y compris une action en justice, pour récupérer les sommes dues.
15.1 Notre responsabilité en relation avec le présent contrat (qu'elle soit contractuelle, délictuelle, de violation d'une obligation légale ou autre) est soumise aux exclusions et limitations suivantes :
15.1.1 nous ne sommes pas responsables de toute défaillance résultant directement ou indirectement d'une cause indépendante de notre volonté, y compris, mais ne se limitant, d'un manque de fonds ou du refus d'un commerçant d'accepter votre carte ;
15.1.2 nous ne serons pas responsables de toute perte de bénéfices, perte de ventes commerciales ou de toute perte directe ou indirecte ;
15.1.3 si la carte est défectueuse par notre faute, notre responsabilité se limitera au remplacement de la carte ou à votre choix, au transfert du solde disponible sur le compte ;
15.1.4 si par erreur, des sommes sont débitées du solde disponible de la carte pour des raisons engageant notre responsabilité, elle se limitera au remboursement d’un montant équivalent ;
15.1.5 dans le cas peu probable où des sommes sont déduites de votre solde mais que vous n'avez pas autorisé cette déduction conformément au présent contrat, notre responsabilité sera telle que définie au paragraphe 12 ; et
15.1.6 dans tous les autres cas de faute de notre part, notre responsabilité sera limitée au remboursement du solde disponible.
15.2 Rien dans ce contrat n’exclura ou ne limitera notre responsabilité pour le décès ou les lésions personnelles provoquées par notre négligence ou fraude.
15.3 Dans les limites de la légalité, toutes les conditions ou garanties prévues par la loi, les statuts ou autres sont expressément exclues.
15.4 Les exclusions et limites susmentionnées définies dans ce paragraphe s’appliqueront à toute responsabilité de nos affiliés tels que Mastercard et d’autres fournisseurs, contractants, agents ou distributeurs et un de leurs affiliés respectifs [le cas échéant], vous, qui pourrait naître dans le cadre de ce contrat.
15.5 En cas de suspicion de fraude, de fraude ou de mauvaise utilisation d'une carte ou d'un compte, nous utiliserons les SMS, le téléphone, la poste, le courrier électronique ou une autre procédure sécurisée pour vous contacter. Nous pouvons vous demander de vérifier l'identité de tout titulaire de carte ou de compte à des fins de sécurité.
16.1 Vous pouvez nous fournir des Informations relatives à la Carte qui sont mises à jour régulièrement. Certaines Informations seront nécessaires pour nous permettre de vous fournir une Carte et certains services dans le cadre ce Contrat. Vous devez mettre à jour tout changement de l’Information par l’Espace client. Tant Anytime que PPS EU sont les contrôleurs de données en ce qui concerne nos responsabilités dans la fourniture des services soumis au présent contrat et n'utiliseront vos données personnelles qu'à cette fin. Veuillez consulter la politique de confidentialité publiée à l'adresse pour obtenir des informations complètes sur les données personnelles que PPS EU et Anytime détiennent, sur la manière dont nous les utiliserons et sur la manière dont nous les conserverons en toute sécurité.
16.2 Pour effectuer un paiement, nous pouvons transférer vos informations/données à tout prestataire de services de paiement utilisé pour remplir votre instruction de paiement. En donnant une instruction de paiement, vous reconnaissez ce transfert de vos informations. Nous vous contacterons si des informations supplémentaires vous sont demandées en relation avec ce paiement. Nous pouvons également transférer vos informations en dehors de l'Union européenne et de l'EEE afin de permettre l'utilisation de la carte lors des voyages ou dans les conditions autorisées par la loi.
17.1 Les plaintes concernant tout aspect des services peuvent être envoyées au Service client.
17.2 Toutes les plaintes seront soumises à la procédure de plaintes d’Anytime. Anytime vous fournira une copie de sa procédure de plainte sur demande et, si elle reçoit une plainte de votre part, une copie de sa procédure de plainte vous sera automatiquement envoyée par courrier ou par e-mail.
17.3 Si, à tout moment, vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre la plainte, vous pouvez la soumettre au médiateur financier (Exchange Tower, Londres E14 9SR, téléphone 0800 023 4567). Médiateur financier dont l'adresse est North Gate II, Boulevard du Roi Albert II, no 8, bte. 2, 1000, Bruxelles ou disponible par téléphone au +32 2545 7770. Les détails du service offert par le Médiateur sont disponibles à l'adresse
18.1 Tout retard dans l’exercice ou non-exercice d’un quelconque droit prévu par ce Contrat ne sera pas considéré comme une renonciation à ce droit ou à cette remédiation ou n’exclura pas son exercice à un moment ultérieur.
18.2 Si une quelconque disposition de ce Contrat est réputée inapplicable ou illégale, les autres dispositions resteront valides et en vigueur.
18.3 Vous ne pouvez pas attribuer ou transférer un quelconque de vos droits et/ou avantages découlant de ce Contrat et vous serez la seule partie contractante avec nous. Vous resterez responsable jusqu’à ce que toutes les cartes et le Compte créés pour vous soient arrivées à expiration et que toutes les sommes dues dans le cadre de ce Contrat aient été payées intégralement. Nous pouvons céder nos droits et avantages à tout moment sans vous avertir au préalable. Nous pouvons sous-traiter n’importe laquelle de nos obligations dans ce Contrat.
18.4 Aucun tiers, non prévu dans le cadre de ce Contrat n’a le droit d’imposer une quelconque disposition sur ce Contrat, exception faite à Mastercard et ses affiliés respectifs qui peuvent utiliser toute disposition prévue dans ce Contrat, qui leur octroie un avantage ou un droit sur une personne spécifiée dans le paragraphe 15.4 et plus généralement au paragraphe 15.
18.5 Ce contrat contient l’Information définie dans le livre VII, titre 3, chapitre 2 du code du droit économique et vous pouvez obtenir une copie de ce Contrat à tout moment en visitant l’Espace client
18.6 Le présent contrat est régi par la loi belge et vous acceptez la compétence exclusive des tribunaux belges. Cette disposition est faite à votre profit et ne limite pas le droit de saisir les tribunaux désignés en vertu de l'article 624, 1°, 2° et 4° du Code judiciaire belge.
18.7 Le programme de compensation des services financiers ne s’applique pas à cette carte. Aucun autre programme de compensation n’existe pour couvrir les pertes réclamées dans le cadre de cette carte. Si nous devenions insolvables, vos fonds sont protégés en vertu de la directive européenne sur la monnaie électronique 2009/110 / CE et de la loi belge du 11 mars 2018 sur le contrôle des établissements de paiement et des établissements de monnaie électronique, conçus pour assurer: la sécurité des fonds détenus dans des comptes de monnaie électronique comme votre compte Anytime.
19.1 Si vous avez une question concernant la carte, vous pouvez contacter le service client en téléphonant au +33 (0) 1 73 600 632 entre 9h00 et 18h30 du lundi au vendredi (hors jours fériés) ou en écrivant au service client au 326 avenue Louise, 1050 Bruxelles, ou par email
Un service carte perdue ou volée est également disponible 24 heures sur 24 au numéro de téléphone du service client.
Mastercard est une marque déposée de Mastercard International Incorporated.
This T&C may applied from 2019, the 1st of November to 2020, the 31st of October 2020
Important information you need to know
The Anytime Virtual Card Agreement
Please read this Agreement carefully before requesting for a Virtual Card or before activating or using the Card. This information forms the Agreement for your Anytime Virtual Card. By confirming that you accept the terms of this Agreement, or by activating and/or using your Card, you accept this Agreement. If there is anything you do not understand, please contact Customer Services using the contact details in paragraph 19 of this Agreement.
Account - The electronic account associated with your Card.
Agreement - This agreement as varied from time to time.
Anytime – Anytime SA trading as Le Compte Anytime, a company registered in Belgium whose registered office is at Avenue Louise, 326, 1050, Brussels, Belgium.
Available Balance - The value of funds available on your Card to use.
Card – The Anytime Virtual Mastercard Card associated with your Account, also known as Virtual Card.
Cardholder/ Card Owner – An individual or an Organisation who has been issued and legally responsible for a Card, and entering into this Agreement with us.
Card Maximum Balance – The maximum balance you can have on your Card as referred to in paragraph 2.
Company - Anytime, whom you have a separate agreement with.
Customer Services - The contact centre for dealing with queries about your Account and/or Card. Contact details for Customer Services can be found in paragraph 19.
Denomination Currency – Euros or US Dollars, the denomination currency loaded onto the Card.
EEA - The European Economic Area which currently includes all countries in the European Union together with Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein.
e-money - The electronic money associated with your Card.
Full Deductible Amount - The full transaction amount, including the transaction itself along with any associated fees, charges and taxes.
Information – Any information related to the Organisation, and any personal information related to Card user.
Organisation – Your organisation or employee as applicable where they have applied for a Card for use by them or by the Organisation.
Mastercard Acceptance Mark - The Mastercard International Incorporated Brand Mark, indicating acceptance of the Card.
Mastercard - Mastercard International Incorporated whose head office is at 2000 Purchase Street, Purchase, New York, 10577 USA.
Merchant - A firm or corporation that accepts Virtual Mastercard cards.
Passcode - Means the passcode you use to identify yourself and which is used for authorising any payments from the Account.
Password - Means the password you use to identify yourself.
Quasi Cash – Means transactions that includes, but not limited to, purchasing travellers cheque, lottery tickets, casino gaming chips, money orders, deposits and wire transfer money orders.
Self Service Account Management Portal – A mobile App or online portal that allows you to have access to your Card.
Virtual Card – When used with reference to a prepaid card means the following information; PAN, CVC2 code and Expiry Date.
we, us, our or PPS EU– PPS EU SA, a company registered in Belgium with number 0712.775.202 who can be contacted at 1160 Brussels, boulevard du Souverain 165 boîte 9, Belgium .
Website –
Working Day – Our working days are Monday to Friday but does not include bank or public holidays.
you, your - The Cardholder/ Card Owner.
20 000 € |
$22,000 |
3.1 Your Card is an e-money prepaid card; it is not a credit, charge or debit card.
3.2 Your Card has been issued by us pursuant to our licence from Mastercard. The Card is an electronic money product and the electronic money associated with it is provided by us and will be in pounds sterling. We are regulated by the National Bank of Belgium for the issuance of electronic money and providing payment services. Mastercard is a registered trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. Your rights and obligations relating to the use of this Card are subject to this Agreement between you and us; you have no rights against Mastercard or its respective affiliates. If you experience any difficulties in using the Card you should contact Customer Services. The Card remains our property.
3.3 You agree that we may add new Denomination Currency or remove any existing Denomination Currency at any time without prior notice to you.
This Agreement is written and available only in English and we undertake to communicate with you in English regarding any aspect of your Card or Account.
3.4 You agree that we may communicate with you by e-mail and/or SMS and/or via the Self Service Account Management Portal notifications for issuing any notices or information about your Account or Card and therefore it is important that you ensure you keep your e-mail address and mobile phone number updated by contacting Customer Services.
4.1 To create a Card, you must remain an approved client of the Company and must have a business in the EU.
4.2 When you create a Card, you must specify certain information, such as but not limited to, Denomination Currency of the Card and the value of funds to be loaded onto the Card (subject to Card Maximum Balance).
4.3 When the Card is received, it must be activated on the date specified when you created a Card. You will not be able to use the Card before activating your Card.
5.1 You can use the Card to make online or telephone payments to Merchants.
5.2 You may only make a payment using the Card in the Denomination Currency of the Card. If a payment is made in a currency that is not the Denomination Currency loaded onto the Card, the payment will be converted at the Mastercard conversion rate at the time the payment is processed (fees apply, see paragraph 11).
5.3 We reserve the right to reject a payment made in a different currency to the Denomination Currency loaded onto the Card, or if the payment amount is greater than Available Balance or if the transaction is unlawful or fraudulent..
5.4 Before using the Card you must ensure there is sufficient Available Balance to cover your purchase.
5.5 You will need to authorise a payment so that we can check it is genuine. We will treat a payment as genuine if your Card details which are personal to you are used.
5.6 Once you have authorised a payment on your Card, we cannot change or cancel it. We cannot cancel authorised payments that have not yet been processed.
5.7 The Card is a prepaid card, which means that the Available Balance will be reduced by the full amount of each payment and authorisation, plus any applicable taxes and charges. You must not use the Card if the Full Deductible Amount exceeds the Available Balance.
5.8 The Card may not be used for any illegal purpose or in any manner prohibited by law, nor for gambling, for any adult entertainment or for Quasi Cash transactions.
5.9 The Card belongs to us. We may ask you not to use your Card and to destroy the Card details. We may at any time and without a prior notice to you suspend, restrict or cancel your Card or refuse to issue a Card if:
5.9.1 we are concerned about security of your account or Card we have issued to you;
5.9.2 we suspect your account is being used in an unauthorised or fraudulent manner; or
5.9.3 we need to do so to comply with the law.
5.10 We may refuse to process a payment if:
5.10.1 we are concerned about security of your Card or we suspect your Card is being used in an unauthorised or fraudulent manner;
5.10.2 you do not have sufficient Available Balance on your Card at the time of a transaction to cover the amount of the payment;
5.10.3 your Card/Account is blocked or inactive;
5.10.4 we have reasonable grounds to believe that you are acting in breach of this agreement;
5.10.5 we believe that a payment is potentially suspicious or illegal (for example, if we believe that a payment is being made fraudulently); or
5.10.6 we are required to comply with any law; or
5.10.7 due to errors, failures (whether mechanical or otherwise) or refusals by merchants, payment processors or payment schemes processing payments.
5.11 If we refuse to process payment under paragraph 5.10:
5.11.1 we will not be liable for any loss this may result in.
5.11.2 you can check your Account to ensure there was enough Available Balance, or can ask us why we have not executed a payment by contacting Customer Services. Unless the law prevents us, we will explain why and we will also tell you what can be done to correct any errors.
5.12 Your Card can be used for a single payment only; it cannot be used for recurring payment.
5.13 If a merchant agrees to give a refund for a purchase made using the Card, we will make the refund when we receive the funds from the merchant.
5.14 The Available Balance on your Card will not earn any interest.
6.1 The Card can only be loaded when you create your Card, it cannot be loaded again.
7.1 You can check the Available Balance and transaction history on the Card via the Self Service Account Management Portal and by contacting Customer Services.
8.1 You may cancel your Card up to 14 calendar days after receiving the Card (“cancellation period”), by contacting Customer Services.
8.2 You may terminate your Card any time after the cancellation period by contacting Customer Services. You will not be charged for cancelling your Card but you may be charged for redeeming any Available Balance.
8.3 The expiry date of your Card is set on the front of the Card. You will not be able to use the Card once it expires.
8.4 Any Available Balance remaining on the Card at Card expiry will remain yours for a period of six years from the expiry date. Within this period, you may at anytime redeem any Available Balance on the Card by contacting Customer Services. You will not have an access to your Card and we will not return any funds remaining on the Card after six years from Card expiry and this Agreement will terminate.
8.5 If we find any additional transactions, fees or charges have been incurred on your Account following the processing of the redemption request, we'll send an itemised invoice to you and we will require you to refund us immediately after receiving the invoice. Should you not repay this amount immediately after receiving an invoice from us we reserve the right to take all steps necessary, including legal action, to recover any monies outstanding.
9.1 You are responsible for the use of your Card issued to you. You must ensure that any additional users of your Card understand and comply with this Agreement.
9.2 It is your responsibility to ensure your Card is active and has sufficient Available Balance to cover the payment amount before making the payment.
9.3 We may restrict or refuse to authorise any use of your Card if using the Card is causing or could cause a breach of this Agreement or if we have reasonable grounds for suspecting that either you or a third party has committed or is about to commit a crime or other abuse in connection with the Card.
9.4 Where appropriate, any refusal to authorise a Card transaction will be relayed to you via the Merchant concerned.
9.5 It is your responsibility to keep your Card and its details safe.
9.6 You will be liable for all unauthorised transactions that arise from the use of a lost or stolen Card or the misappropriation of the Card, or if you fail to:
9.6.1 keep the Card and/or security details of the Card safe,
9.6.2 notify us that the Card is lost or stolen, or
9.6.3 keep your Self Service Account Management Portal log in details safe.
9.7 You must not write down any security information of the Card and Self Service Account Management Portal unless this is done in a way that would make it impossible for anyone else to recognise any of that information, or disclose any of this information, or otherwise make them available to any other person.
9.8 You will be responsible for all transactions which you authorise.
9.9 You will be liable for all transactions that take place as a result of you acting fraudulently or failing to comply with this Agreement with intent or gross negligence.
9.10 It is your responsibility to keep us updated of changes to your Information, including e-mail address and mobile numbers. Failure to do so may result in us being unable to contact you regarding your Card, including letting you know about changes to this Agreement.
9.11 You agree to indemnify and hold harmless, us and our distributors, partners, agents, sponsors, and service providers and their group companies from and against the costs of any legal action taken to enforce this Agreement and/or any breach of this Agreement or fraudulent use of the Card, Account or Self Service Account Management Portal log in details authorised by you.
10.1 In the event of loss, theft, fraud or any other risk of an unauthorised use of the Card, you must contact Customer Services immediately so that we can block the Card.
10.2 In the event that you notify us in accordance with this Agreement that the Card has been lost or stolen you will be liable for a maximum of €35 of any loss that takes place prior to us being notified.
10.3 Provided that you have given notification in accordance with paragraph 10.1 and that paragraph 10.4 does not apply, then you will not be liable for losses that take place following the date on which you gave such notification to Customer Services. If there is an Available Balance remaining on your Account, you may request a refund.
10.4 In the event that we have reason to believe that you have acted fraudulently or have acted with gross negligence or intentionally in failing to notify us of the lost or stolen Card or you have failed to keep your Card or security information related to the Card and Self Service Account Management Portal safe or you have breached this Agreement then you shall be liable for all losses.
11.1 Your Card is subject to the following fees. The core fees detailed below relate to the core bundle of services that we provide to you in relation to your Account.
Application Fee |
€0 |
General Service Fee |
€0 |
Virtual Card creation |
Virtual Card redemption (in Denomination Currency) |
Virtual Card redemption (not in Denomination Currency) |
2.99% |
Customer Services enquiry |
France Local Rate |
11.2 We will deduct any taxes or charges due from the Available Balance on your Card. If there is no Available Balance of funds, or taxes or charges exceed the balance of funds available, we shall send an invoice to you and will require you to refund us immediately after receiving the invoice. Should you not repay this amount immediately after receiving an invoice from us we reserve the right to take all steps necessary, including legal action, to recover any monies outstanding.
12.1 If you have a reason to believe that a transaction on your Card was unauthorised, or was made incorrectly, you must inform us immediately by contacting Customer Services, but in any event within 13 months of the date of the relevant transaction.
12.2 If you report an unauthorised transaction:
12.2.1 we will by the end of the next Working Day refund the unauthorised amount including any fees to your Card to the position it would have been in if the unauthorised transaction had not taken place.
12.2.2 We are not obliged to refund the unauthorised sums to you if we have reason to believe that you have acted fraudulently, and we may notify the police or any other authority permitted by law. If we don’t provide a refund by the end of the next Working Day but subsequently confirm that the transaction was unauthorised, we will refund the unauthorised sums to you straight away.
12.2.3 We will have no further liability to you once we have refunded the unauthorised sums to you. If we subsequently discover that you were not entitled to a refund, we shall treat the refund as a mistake and be entitled to reapply the transaction, including any fees, to your Card.
12.3 You will be liable for all unauthorised transactions made from your Card if you have acted fraudulently or deliberately or with gross negligence failed to keep the Card or Card security information safe in accordance with this Agreement, or where you have failed to notify us without undue delay on becoming aware that the Card or security information related to the Card has been lost or stolen.
12.4 You will not be liable for unauthorised transactions on your Card after you have told us that the Card or Card security information has been lost, stolen or compromised.
12.5 If you tell us that a transaction has been made incorrectly, after we are informed, we will immediately refund your Card with sufficient funds including any charges to restore your Card to the same position as if the incorrect transaction had not been made. However this will not apply if:
12.5.1 you fail to tell us of the incorrect payment without undue delay and in any case within 13 months of the date on which the transaction occurred;
12.5.2 any payment instructions you gave us were incorrect. If so, we will make reasonable efforts to recover your money if the payment has gone missing, but we may charge you a fee to cover our costs in doing so. We will tell you how much it is before we start recovery process. If we are unable to recover the funds, you can request the relevant information we have regarding the transaction to help you reclaim the payment amount. For legal reasons, we are obliged to provide this information on receipt of a written request, except where the law prevents us from doing so; or
12.5.3 we can show that the payment was actually received by the other bank (in which case they will be liable).
12.6 Where you have agreed that another person can take a payment from your Card (e.g. if you have given your Card details to a Merchant for the purpose of making a payment), you can ask us to refund a payment if all the following conditions are satisfied:
12.6.1 the authorisation given did not specify the exact amount to be paid;
12.6.2 the amount that has been charged to your Card was more than you could reasonably have expected to pay, based on the circumstances; and
12.6.3 you make the refund request within eight weeks of the date when the payment was taken from your Card.
12.7 We may ask you to provide information as is reasonably necessary to verify that conditions in 12.6.1 – 12.6.3 apply.
12.8 If you ask us to make a refund under paragraph 12.6 then, within 10 Working Days of the date we receive your request (or if we ask for more information under paragraph 12.7, within 10 Working Days of the date we receive that information) we will either:
12.8.1 refund the payment in full; or
12.8.2 tell you the reasons why we do not agree to the refund.
12.9 You will not be entitled to a refund under paragraph 12.6 if:
12.9.1 you have given us your consent for the payment to be made; and
12.9.2 where applicable we (or a Merchant you agreed to pay) have given you information on the payment in question at least four weeks before the due date of the payment.
12.9.3 if the payment in question was higher than you reasonably expected to pay is due to a change in any currency exchange rate.
13.1 We may change this Agreement, including fees and limits by providing you with at least two months prior notice by e-mail (provided you have supplied us with an up-to-date e-mail address) and will ensure the most recent version is always available on the Self Service Account Management Portal.
13.2 If you do not agree with the changes to the Agreement, you may at any time within the two months’ notice period terminate your Agreement and close your Account in accordance with paragraph 8.2 at that time without a charge. However, in the event you do not cancel during this period then you will be deemed to have accepted them and the changes will apply to you.
13.3 There are some situations where we can make changes to this Agreement and we do not have to tell you in advance. These are changes you probably expect because of the nature of the product or service, or that you won’t mind about because they are favourable to you. We do not have to tell you personally in advance when any of the following happen:
13.3.1 If the change is in your favour, if we reduce your charges, if we make this Agreement fairer to you, or if we introduce a new service or feature from which you can benefit.
13.3.2 We make a change because a change in law or regulation says that we have to by a particular date, and there isn’t time to give you notice.
13.4 If any part of this Agreement is inconsistent with any regulatory requirements then we will not rely on that part but treat it as if it did actually reflect the relevant regulatory requirement. If we need to make operational changes before we can fully comply with the new regulatory requirement, we will make those changes as soon as reasonably practical. We will update our Agreement to reflect the new regulatory requirements when they are next reprinted.
14.1 We can terminate this Agreement at any time:
14.1.1 if we give you two months’ notice and refund the Available Balance to you without charge, or
14.1.2 with immediate effect if you have breached this Agreement, or if we have reason to believe that you have used, or intend to use the Card in a grossly negligent manner or for fraudulent or other unlawful purposes or if we can no longer process your transactions due to the actions of third parties.
14.2 We can suspend or terminate your Card at any time with immediate effect (and until your default has been remedied or the Agreement terminated) without any prior notice to you if:
14.2.1 we discover any of the Information that you have provided to us is incorrect; or
14.2.2 we believe that this is necessary for security reasons; or
14.2.3 if we suspect or to prevent suspected unauthorised or fraudulent use of the Card; or
14.2.4 if you have reached your Account Limit; or
14.2.5 any legal obligations require us to do so; or
14.2.6 you have breached this Agreement or we have reason to believe that you have used, or intend to use the Card or the Self Service Account Management Portal Password or Passcode in a grossly negligent manner or for fraudulent or other unlawful purposes or if we cannot process any transactions due to the actions of third parties.
14.3 In the event that we do suspend or terminate your Card then if we are able to do so, we will tell you in advance otherwise we will let you know immediately afterwards (to the extent the we are permitted by law). We may advise anyone involved in the transaction if a suspension has taken place.
14.4 In the event that any additional fees are found to have been incurred on your Card following termination by either you or us, then subject to this Agreement, you shall refund to us any sum which relates to fees and/or charges validly applied whether before or after termination. We will send an invoice to you and will require you to refund us immediately. Should you not repay this amount immediately after receiving an invoice from us we reserve the right to take all steps necessary, including legal action, to recover any monies outstanding.
15.1 Our liability in connection with this Agreement (whether arising in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise) shall be subject to the following exclusions and limitations:
15.1.1 we shall not be liable for any default resulting directly or indirectly from any cause beyond our control, including but not limited to, a lack of funds or a Merchant refusing to accept your Card;
15.1.2 we shall not be liable for any loss of profits, loss of business, or any indirect, consequential, special or punitive losses;
15.1.3 where the Card is faulty due to our default, our liability shall be limited to replacement of the Card, or at our choice, redemption of the Available Balance;
15.1.4 where sums are incorrectly deducted from your Available Balance due to our default, our liability shall be limited to payment to you of an equivalent amount;
15.1.5 in the unlikely event that sums are deducted from your Available Balance but you or any other Card users did not authorise such deduction in accordance with this Agreement then our liability shall be as set out in paragraph 12; and
15.1.6 in all other circumstances of our default, our liability will be limited to redemption of the Available Balance.
15.2 Nothing in this Agreement shall exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or fraud.
15.3 To the extent permitted by law, all conditions or warranties implied by law, statute or otherwise are expressly excluded.
15.4 The above exclusions and limitations set out in this paragraph shall apply to any liability of our affiliates such as Mastercard, and other suppliers, contractors, agents or distributors and any of their respective affiliates (if any), to you, which may arise in connection with this Agreement.
15.5 In the event of suspected or actual fraud or security threat to your Card, we will use SMS, telephone, post, email or another secure procedure to contact you. We may ask you to verify your identity for security purposes.
16.1 You may provide us with the Information from time to time in connection with your Anytime Account. Some Information will be necessary for us to provide you with the Anytime Account and services under this Agreement. You must update any changes to the Information via the Self Service Account Management Portal. Both Anytime and PPS EU are the Data Controllers in respect to our responsibilities in providing you with the services subject to this agreement and will only use your personal data for this purpose. Please see the Privacy Policy for full details on the personal data that PPS EU and Anytime hold, how we will use it and how we will keep it safe.
16.2 To make a payment we may transfer your Information/data to any payment service provider used to complete your Payment Instruction. By making a Payment Instruction you acknowledge this transfer of your Information. We will contact you if any additional information is required from you in relation to such payment. If you require any information about payment service providers used in relation to payments, you can contact Customer Services. We may also transfer your Information outside of the European Union and the EEA to enable the use of Anytime Card while travelling or as permitted by law.
17.1 Complaints regarding any element of the service provided by us can be sent to Customer.
17.2 All complaints will be subject to our complaints procedure. We will provide you with a copy of our complaints procedure upon request and, if we receive a complaint from you, a copy of our complaints procedure will automatically be posted or emailed to you.
17.3 If we fail to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction you may refer the complaint to the Ombudsfin whose address is North Gate II, Boulevard du Roi Albert II, no 8, bte. 2, 1000, Bruxelles or via telephone at +32 2545 7770. Details of the service offered by the Ombudsfin are available at
18.1 Any delay or failure to exercise any right or remedy under this Agreement by us shall not be construed as a waiver of that right or remedy or preclude its exercise at any subsequent time.
18.2 If any provision of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable or illegal, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.
18.3 You may not assign or transfer any of your rights and/or benefits under this Agreement and you shall be the sole party to the contract between us. You will remain liable until your Card issued to you is terminated and all sums due under this Agreement have been paid by you in full. We may assign our rights and benefits at any time without prior written notice to you. We may subcontract any of our obligations under this Agreement.
18.4 No third party who is not a party to this Agreement has a right to enforce any of the provisions in this Agreement, save that Mastercard and their respective affiliates may enforce any provision of this Agreement which confers a benefit or a right upon them and a person specified in paragraph 15.4 may enforce paragraph 15.
18.5 This Agreement contains the information set out in Book VII, Title 3, Chapter 2 of the Economic Law Code and you can obtain a copy of this Agreement at any time by visiting the Self Service Account Management Portal.
18.6 This Agreement is governed by Belgian law and you agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Belgium. This provision is made for your benefit and shall not limit the right of to bring proceedings in the courts designated pursuant to Article 624, 1°, 2° and 4° of the Belgian Judicial Code.
18.7 The Belgium’s Deposit Guarantee Scheme is not applicable for this Anytime Account. No other compensation schemes exist to cover losses claimed in connection with the Anytime Account. In the event that we become insolvent, your funds are safeguarded under the EU Electronic Money Directive 2009/110/EC and Belgian Law of 11 March 2018 regarding the legal status and the supervision of payment institutions and electronic money institutions,which are designed to ensure the safety of funds held in electronic money accounts like your Anytime Account.
19.1 If you have a query regarding your Card, you can contact Customer Services by phoning +33 (0) 1 73 600 634 between the hours of 9:00 am to 6:30pm on Monday to Friday, or by writing to Customer Services at at 326 avenue Louise,1050, Brussels, Belgium or by emailing
A lost and stolen service is available 24 hours on Customer Services phone number.
Mastercard is a registered trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.
This T&C may applied before 2019, the 1st of November. Customers on boarded before the 31st October should receive the existing PPS UK terms and also the PPS EU terms and should be advised that they will automatically transfer on the Migration Date. Read the PPS EU terms below.
Important information you need to know
The Anytime Virtual Card Agreement
Please read this Agreement carefully before requesting for a Virtual Card or before activating or using the Card. This information forms the Agreement for your Anytime Virtual Card. By confirming that you accept the terms of this Agreement, or by activating and/or using your Card, you accept this Agreement. If there is anything you do not understand, please contact Customer Services using the contact details in paragraph 19 of this Agreement.
Account - The electronic account associated with your Card.
Agreement - This agreement as varied from time to time.
Anytime – Anytime SA trading as Le Compte Anytime, a company registered in Belgium whose registered office is at Avenue Louise, 326, 1050, Brussels, Belgium.
Available Balance - The value of funds available on your Card to use.
Card – The Anytime Virtual Mastercard Card associated with your Account, also known as Virtual Card.
Cardholder/ Card Owner – An individual or an Organisation who has been issued and legally responsible for a Card, and entering into this Agreement with us.
Card Maximum Balance – The maximum balance you can have on your Card as referred to in paragraph 2.
Company - Anytime, whom you have a separate agreement with.
Customer Services - The contact centre for dealing with queries about your Account and/or Card. Contact details for Customer Services can be found in paragraph 19.
Denomination Currency – Euros or US Dollars, the denomination currency loaded onto the Card.
EEA - The European Economic Area which currently includes all countries in the European Union together with Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein.
e-money - The electronic money associated with your Card.
Full Deductible Amount - The full transaction amount, including the transaction itself along with any associated fees, charges and taxes.
Information – Any information related to the Organisation, and any personal information related to Card user.
Organisation – Your organisation or employee as applicable where they have applied for a Card for use by them or by the Organisation.
Mastercard Acceptance Mark - The Mastercard International Incorporated Brand Mark, indicating acceptance of the Card.
Mastercard - Mastercard International Incorporated whose head office is at 2000 Purchase Street, Purchase, New York, 10577 USA.
Merchant - A firm or corporation that accepts Virtual Mastercard cards.
Passcode - Means the passcode you use to identify yourself and which is used for authorising any payments from the Account.
Password - Means the password you use to identify yourself.
Quasi Cash – Means transactions that includes, but not limited to, purchasing travellers cheque, lottery tickets, casino gaming chips, money orders, deposits and wire transfer money orders.
Self Service Account Management Portal – A mobile App or online portal that allows you to have access to your Card.
Virtual Card – When used with reference to a prepaid card means the following information; PAN, CVC2 code and Expiry Date.
we, us or our - PrePay Technologies Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with number 04008083 who can be contacted at PO BOX 3883 Swindon SN3 9EA.
Website –
Working Day – Our working days are Monday to Friday but does not include bank or public holidays.
you, your - The Cardholder/ Card Owner.
20 000 € |
$22,000 |
3.1 Your Card is an e-money prepaid card; it is not a credit, charge or debit card.
3.2 Your Card has been issued by us pursuant to our licence from Mastercard. The Card is an electronic money product and the electronic money associated with it is provided by us and will be in pounds sterling. We are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for the issuance of electronic money (FRN 900010). Mastercard is a registered trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. Your rights and obligations relating to the use of this Card are subject to this Agreement between you and us; you have no rights against Mastercard or its respective affiliates. If you experience any difficulties in using the Card you should contact Customer Services. The Card remains our property.
3.3 You agree that we may add new Denomination Currency or remove any existing Denomination Currency at any time without prior notice to you.
This Agreement is written and available only in English and we undertake to communicate with you in English regarding any aspect of your Card or Account.
3.4 You agree that we may communicate with you by e-mail and/or SMS and/or via the Self Service Account Management Portal notifications for issuing any notices or information about your Account or Card and therefore it is important that you ensure you keep your e-mail address and mobile phone number updated by contacting Customer Services.
4.1 To create a Card, you must remain an approved client of the Company and must have a business in the EU.
4.2 When you create a Card, you must specify certain information, such as but not limited to, Denomination Currency of the Card and the value of funds to be loaded onto the Card (subject to Card Maximum Balance).
4.3 When the Card is received, it must be activated on the date specified when you created a Card. You will not be able to use the Card before activating your Card.
5.1 You can use the Card to make online or telephone payments to Merchants.
5.2 You may only make a payment using the Card in the Denomination Currency of the Card. If a payment is made in a currency that is not the Denomination Currency loaded onto the Card, the payment will be converted at the Mastercard conversion rate at the time the payment is processed (fees apply, see paragraph 11).
5.3 We reserve the right to reject a payment made in a different currency to the Denomination Currency loaded onto the Card, or if the payment amount is greater than Available Balance or if the transaction is unlawful or fraudulent..
5.4 Before using the Card you must ensure there is sufficient Available Balance to cover your purchase.
5.5 You will need to authorise a payment so that we can check it is genuine. We will treat a payment as genuine if your Card details which are personal to you are used.
5.6 Once you have authorised a payment on your Card, we cannot change or cancel it. We cannot cancel authorised payments that have not yet been processed.
5.7 The Card is a prepaid card, which means that the Available Balance will be reduced by the full amount of each payment and authorisation, plus any applicable taxes and charges. You must not use the Card if the Full Deductible Amount exceeds the Available Balance.
5.8 The Card may not be used for any illegal purpose or in any manner prohibited by law, nor for gambling, for any adult entertainment or for Quasi Cash transactions.
5.9 The Card belongs to us. We may ask you not to use your Card and to destroy the Card details. We may at any time and without a prior notice to you suspend, restrict or cancel your Card or refuse to issue a Card if:
5.9.1 we are concerned about security of your account or Card we have issued to you;
5.9.2 we suspect your account is being used in an unauthorised or fraudulent manner; or
5.9.3 we need to do so to comply with the law.
5.10 We may refuse to process a payment if:
5.10.1 we are concerned about security of your Card or we suspect your Card is being used in an unauthorised or fraudulent manner;
5.10.2 you do not have sufficient Available Balance on your Card at the time of a transaction to cover the amount of the payment;
5.10.3 your Card/Account is blocked or inactive;
5.10.4 we have reasonable grounds to believe that you are acting in breach of this agreement;
5.10.5 we believe that a payment is potentially suspicious or illegal (for example, if we believe that a payment is being made fraudulently); or
5.10.6 we are required to comply with any law; or
5.10.7 due to errors, failures (whether mechanical or otherwise) or refusals by merchants, payment processors or payment schemes processing payments.
5.11 If we refuse to process payment under paragraph 5.10:
5.11.1 we will not be liable for any loss this may result in.
5.11.2 you can check your Account to ensure there was enough Available Balance, or can ask us why we have not executed a payment by contacting Customer Services. Unless the law prevents us, we will explain why and we will also tell you what can be done to correct any errors.
5.12 Your Card can be used for a single payment only; it cannot be used for recurring payment.
5.13 If a merchant agrees to give a refund for a purchase made using the Card, we will make the refund when we receive the funds from the merchant.
5.14 The Available Balance on your Card will not earn any interest.
6.1 The Card can only be loaded when you create your Card, it cannot be loaded again.
7.1 You can check the Available Balance and transaction history on the Card via the Self Service Account Management Portal and by contacting Customer Services.
8.1 You may cancel your Card up to 14 calendar days after receiving the Card (“cancellation period”), by contacting Customer Services.
8.2 You may terminate your Card any time after the cancellation period by contacting Customer Services. You will not be charged for cancelling your Card but you may be charged for redeeming any Available Balance.
8.3 The expiry date of your Card is set on the front of the Card. You will not be able to use the Card once it expires.
8.4 Any Available Balance remaining on the Card at Card expiry will remain yours for a period of six years from the expiry date. Within this period, you may at anytime redeem any Available Balance on the Card by contacting Customer Services. You will not have an access to your Card and we will not return any funds remaining on the Card after six years from Card expiry and this Agreement will terminate.
8.5 If we find any additional transactions, fees or charges have been incurred on your Account following the processing of the redemption request, we'll send an itemised invoice to you and we will require you to refund us immediately after receiving the invoice. Should you not repay this amount immediately after receiving an invoice from us we reserve the right to take all steps necessary, including legal action, to recover any monies outstanding.
9.1 You are responsible for the use of your Card issued to you. You must ensure that any additional users of your Card understand and comply with this Agreement.
9.2 It is your responsibility to ensure your Card is active and has sufficient Available Balance to cover the payment amount before making the payment.
9.3 We may restrict or refuse to authorise any use of your Card if using the Card is causing or could cause a breach of this Agreement or if we have reasonable grounds for suspecting that either you or a third party has committed or is about to commit a crime or other abuse in connection with the Card.
9.4 Where appropriate, any refusal to authorise a Card transaction will be relayed to you via the Merchant concerned.
9.5 It is your responsibility to keep your Card and its details safe.
9.6 You will be liable for all unauthorised transactions that arise from the use of a lost or stolen Card or the misappropriation of the Card, or if you fail to:
9.6.1 keep the Card and/or security details of the Card safe,
9.6.2 notify us that the Card is lost or stolen, or
9.6.3 keep your Self Service Account Management Portal log in details safe.
9.7 You must not write down any security information of the Card and Self Service Account Management Portal unless this is done in a way that would make it impossible for anyone else to recognise any of that information, or disclose any of this information, or otherwise make them available to any other person.
9.8 You will be responsible for all transactions which you authorise.
9.9 You will be liable for all transactions that take place as a result of you acting fraudulently or failing to comply with this Agreement with intent or gross negligence.
9.10 It is your responsibility to keep us updated of changes to your Information, including e-mail address and mobile numbers. Failure to do so may result in us being unable to contact you regarding your Card, including letting you know about changes to this Agreement.
9.11 You agree to indemnify and hold harmless, us and our distributors, partners, agents, sponsors, and service providers and their group companies from and against the costs of any legal action taken to enforce this Agreement and/or any breach of this Agreement or fraudulent use of the Card, Account or Self Service Account Management Portal log in details authorised by you.
10.1 In the event of loss, theft, fraud or any other risk of an unauthorised use of the Card, you must contact Customer Services immediately so that we can block the Card.
10.2 In the event that you notify us in accordance with this Agreement that the Card has been lost or stolen you will be liable for a maximum of €35 of any loss that takes place prior to us being notified.
10.3 Provided that you have given notification in accordance with paragraph 10.1 and that paragraph 10.4 does not apply, then you will not be liable for losses that take place following the date on which you gave such notification to Customer Services. If there is an Available Balance remaining on your Account, you may request a refund.
10.4 In the event that we have reason to believe that you have acted fraudulently or have acted with gross negligence or intentionally in failing to notify us of the lost or stolen Card or you have failed to keep your Card or security information related to the Card and Self Service Account Management Portal safe or you have breached this Agreement then you shall be liable for all losses.
11.1 Your Card is subject to the following fees. The core fees detailed below relate to the core bundle of services that we provide to you in relation to your Account.
Application Fee |
€0 |
General Service Fee |
€0 |
Virtual Card creation |
Virtual Card redemption (in Denomination Currency) |
Virtual Card redemption (not in Denomination Currency) |
2.99% |
Customer Services enquiry |
France Local Rate |
11.2 We will deduct any taxes or charges due from the Available Balance on your Card. If there is no Available Balance of funds, or taxes or charges exceed the balance of funds available, we shall send an invoice to you and will require you to refund us immediately after receiving the invoice. Should you not repay this amount immediately after receiving an invoice from us we reserve the right to take all steps necessary, including legal action, to recover any monies outstanding.
12.1 If you have a reason to believe that a transaction on your Card was unauthorised, or was made incorrectly, you must inform us immediately by contacting Customer Services, but in any event within 13 months of the date of the relevant transaction.
12.2 If you report an unauthorised transaction:
12.2.1 we will by the end of the next Working Day refund the unauthorised amount including any fees to your Card to the position it would have been in if the unauthorised transaction had not taken place.
12.2.2 We are not obliged to refund the unauthorised sums to you if we have reason to believe that you have acted fraudulently, and we may notify the police or any other authority permitted by law. If we don’t provide a refund by the end of the next Working Day but subsequently confirm that the transaction was unauthorised, we will refund the unauthorised sums to you straight away.
12.2.3 We will have no further liability to you once we have refunded the unauthorised sums to you. If we subsequently discover that you were not entitled to a refund, we shall treat the refund as a mistake and be entitled to reapply the transaction, including any fees, to your Card.
12.3 You will be liable for all unauthorised transactions made from your Card if you have acted fraudulently or deliberately or with gross negligence failed to keep the Card or Card security information safe in accordance with this Agreement, or where you have failed to notify us without undue delay on becoming aware that the Card or security information related to the Card has been lost or stolen.
12.4 You will not be liable for unauthorised transactions on your Card after you have told us that the Card or Card security information has been lost, stolen or compromised.
12.5 If you tell us that a transaction has been made incorrectly, after we are informed, we will immediately refund your Card with sufficient funds including any charges to restore your Card to the same position as if the incorrect transaction had not been made. However this will not apply if:
12.5.1 you fail to tell us of the incorrect payment without undue delay and in any case within 13 months of the date on which the transaction occurred;
12.5.2 any payment instructions you gave us were incorrect. If so, we will make reasonable efforts to recover your money if the payment has gone missing, but we may charge you a fee to cover our costs in doing so. We will tell you how much it is before we start recovery process. If we are unable to recover the funds, you can request the relevant information we have regarding the transaction to help you reclaim the payment amount. For legal reasons, we are obliged to provide this information on receipt of a written request, except where the law prevents us from doing so; or
12.5.3 we can show that the payment was actually received by the other bank (in which case they will be liable).
12.6 Where you have agreed that another person can take a payment from your Card (e.g. if you have given your Card details to a Merchant for the purpose of making a payment), you can ask us to refund a payment if all the following conditions are satisfied:
12.6.1 the authorisation given did not specify the exact amount to be paid;
12.6.2 the amount that has been charged to your Card was more than you could reasonably have expected to pay, based on the circumstances; and
12.6.3 you make the refund request within eight weeks of the date when the payment was taken from your Card.
12.7 We may ask you to provide information as is reasonably necessary to verify that conditions in 12.6.1 – 12.6.3 apply.
12.8 If you ask us to make a refund under paragraph 12.6 then, within 10 Working Days of the date we receive your request (or if we ask for more information under paragraph 12.7, within 10 Working Days of the date we receive that information) we will either:
12.8.1 refund the payment in full; or
12.8.2 tell you the reasons why we do not agree to the refund.
12.9 You will not be entitled to a refund under paragraph 12.6 if:
12.9.1 you have given us your consent for the payment to be made; and
12.9.2 where applicable we (or a Merchant you agreed to pay) have given you information on the payment in question at least four weeks before the due date of the payment.
12.9.3 if the payment in question was higher than you reasonably expected to pay is due to a change in any currency exchange rate.
13.1 We may change this Agreement, including fees and limits by providing you with at least two months prior notice by e-mail (provided you have supplied us with an up-to-date e-mail address) and will ensure the most recent version is always available on the Self Service Account Management Portal.
13.2 If you do not agree with the changes to the Agreement, you may at any time within the two months’ notice period terminate your Agreement and close your Account in accordance with paragraph 8.2 at that time without a charge. However, in the event you do not cancel during this period then you will be deemed to have accepted them and the changes will apply to you.
13.3 There are some situations where we can make changes to this Agreement and we do not have to tell you in advance. These are changes you probably expect because of the nature of the product or service, or that you won’t mind about because they are favourable to you. We do not have to tell you personally in advance when any of the following happen:
13.3.1 If the change is in your favour, if we reduce your charges, if we make this Agreement fairer to you, or if we introduce a new service or feature from which you can benefit.
13.3.2 We make a change because a change in law or regulation says that we have to by a particular date, and there isn’t time to give you notice.
13.4 If any part of this Agreement is inconsistent with any regulatory requirements then we will not rely on that part but treat it as if it did actually reflect the relevant regulatory requirement. If we need to make operational changes before we can fully comply with the new regulatory requirement, we will make those changes as soon as reasonably practical. We will update our Agreement to reflect the new regulatory requirements when they are next reprinted.
14.1 We can terminate this Agreement at any time:
14.1.1 if we give you two months’ notice and refund the Available Balance to you without charge, or
14.1.2 with immediate effect if you have breached this Agreement, or if we have reason to believe that you have used, or intend to use the Card in a grossly negligent manner or for fraudulent or other unlawful purposes or if we can no longer process your transactions due to the actions of third parties.
14.2 We can suspend or terminate your Card at any time with immediate effect (and until your default has been remedied or the Agreement terminated) without any prior notice to you if:
14.2.1 we discover any of the Information that you have provided to us is incorrect; or
14.2.2 we believe that this is necessary for security reasons; or
14.2.3 if we suspect or to prevent suspected unauthorised or fraudulent use of the Card; or
14.2.4 if you have reached your Account Limit; or
14.2.5 any legal obligations require us to do so; or
14.2.6 you have breached this Agreement or we have reason to believe that you have used, or intend to use the Card or the Self Service Account Management Portal Password or Passcode in a grossly negligent manner or for fraudulent or other unlawful purposes or if we cannot process any transactions due to the actions of third parties.
14.3 In the event that we do suspend or terminate your Card then if we are able to do so, we will tell you in advance otherwise we will let you know immediately afterwards (to the extent the we are permitted by law). We may advise anyone involved in the transaction if a suspension has taken place.
14.4 In the event that any additional fees are found to have been incurred on your Card following termination by either you or us, then subject to this Agreement, you shall refund to us any sum which relates to fees and/or charges validly applied whether before or after termination. We will send an invoice to you and will require you to refund us immediately. Should you not repay this amount immediately after receiving an invoice from us we reserve the right to take all steps necessary, including legal action, to recover any monies outstanding.
15.1 Our liability in connection with this Agreement (whether arising in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise) shall be subject to the following exclusions and limitations:
15.1.1 we shall not be liable for any default resulting directly or indirectly from any cause beyond our control, including but not limited to, a lack of funds or a Merchant refusing to accept your Card;
15.1.2 we shall not be liable for any loss of profits, loss of business, or any indirect, consequential, special or punitive losses;
15.1.3 where the Card is faulty due to our default, our liability shall be limited to replacement of the Card, or at our choice, redemption of the Available Balance;
15.1.4 where sums are incorrectly deducted from your Available Balance due to our default, our liability shall be limited to payment to you of an equivalent amount;
15.1.5 in the unlikely event that sums are deducted from your Available Balance but you or any other Card users did not authorise such deduction in accordance with this Agreement then our liability shall be as set out in paragraph 12; and
15.1.6 in all other circumstances of our default, our liability will be limited to redemption of the Available Balance.
15.2 Nothing in this Agreement shall exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or fraud.
15.3 To the extent permitted by law, all conditions or warranties implied by law, statute or otherwise are expressly excluded.
15.4 The above exclusions and limitations set out in this paragraph shall apply to any liability of our affiliates such as Mastercard, and other suppliers, contractors, agents or distributors and any of their respective affiliates (if any), to you, which may arise in connection with this Agreement.
15.5 In the event of suspected or actual fraud or security threat to your Card, we will use SMS, telephone, post, email or another secure procedure to contact you. We may ask you to verify your identity for security purposes.
16.1 You may provide us with your Information from time to time in connection with your Card. Some Information will be necessary for us to provide you with the Card and services under this Agreement. You must update any changes to your Information via the Self Service Account Management Portal.
16.2 We and our affiliates are committed to maintaining your Information in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your Information is kept secure against unauthorised access, loss, disclosure or destruction. Except as required by law, or in accordance with this Agreement, your Information will not be passed to anyone without your permission. We can at any time request evidence of identity from you and may use an ID verification agency or credit reference agency (whose names and addresses will be provided to you on request) both prior to and following issue of your Account for this purpose and who will add details to your record of our request for a search.
16.3 You agree that we can use your Information in connection with your Card, to contact you about replacement Cards, and to enable us to review, develop and improve our products and services. This may involve providing your Information to our partners, affiliates, agents, distributors, suppliers, and to Mastercard and its affiliates to process transactions and for their statistical research and analytical purposes. We may also disclose your Information as required by law, regulation or any competent authority or agency to investigate possible fraudulent, unlawful or unauthorised activity.
16.4 You may contact us at anytime to request us to stop such use or further disclosure to other companies for such use.
16.5 You have a right to inspect the Information we hold about you. For further information please contact Customer Services.
16.6 If we discover that the Information we hold about you is incorrect, we may have to suspend or cancel your Card until we can establish the correct Information, in order to protect us both.
16.7 You consent to us in using your information to provide payment services to you. If you withdraw this consent, we will stop providing payment services but may still use your data or information where we have lawful grounds to do so, for example because we need to retain records for regulatory purposes.
17.1 Complaints regarding any element of the service provided by us can be sent to Customer.
17.2 All complaints will be subject to our complaints procedure. We will provide you with a copy of our complaints procedure upon request and, if we receive a complaint from you, a copy of our complaints procedure will automatically be posted or emailed to you.
17.3 If we fail to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR, phone 0800 023 4567). Details of the service offered by the Financial Ombudsman Service are available at
18.1 Any delay or failure to exercise any right or remedy under this Agreement by us shall not be construed as a waiver of that right or remedy or preclude its exercise at any subsequent time.
18.2 If any provision of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable or illegal, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.
18.3 You may not assign or transfer any of your rights and/or benefits under this Agreement and you shall be the sole party to the contract between us. You will remain liable until your Card issued to you is terminated and all sums due under this Agreement have been paid by you in full. We may assign our rights and benefits at any time without prior written notice to you. We may subcontract any of our obligations under this Agreement.
18.4 No third party who is not a party to this Agreement has a right to enforce any of the provisions in this Agreement, save that Mastercard and their respective affiliates may enforce any provision of this Agreement which confers a benefit or a right upon them and a person specified in paragraph 15.4 may enforce paragraph 15.
18.5 This Agreement contains the information set out in Schedule 4 of the Payment Service Regulations 2017 and you can obtain a copy of this Agreement at any time by visiting the Self Service Account Management Portal or the Website.
18.6 This Agreement is governed by English law and you agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
18.7 The Financial Services Compensation Scheme is not applicable for this Card. No other compensation schemes exist to cover losses claimed in connection with your Card. We will however safeguard your funds against any loss that can be reasonably anticipated.
19.1 If you have a query regarding your Card, you can contact Customer Services by phoning +33 (0) 1 73 600 634 between the hours of 9:00 am to 6:30pm on Monday to Friday, or by writing to Customer Services at at 326 avenue Louise,1050, Brussels, Belgium or by emailing
A lost and stolen service is available 24 hours on Customer Services phone number.
Mastercard is a registered trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.